Dutch Meetup August 2008
This event is now over
Please note that this party is an unofficial gathering for which Three Rings is not responsible.
Friday 8th August (8/8/8) until Monday 11th August 2008, with a possible mid-week afterparty for anyone staying in NL longer.
The place we have already booked has 50 beds (two big dorms of 26 and 24), and another 14 at extra cost (rooms of 10 and 4). Although there is another smaller farmhouse adjacent (rooms of 14, 10 and 6), we only are considering renting that for the mid-week after the main weekend.
- Homepage of the farm, with pics and camping prices (Has some English/German, uses Flash
- Accomodation info page with pics! (Dutch)
- Google Maps pinpointing the location (this link shows the pond in the middle of the farm).
- Beds - Thousands of them
- 10 Little pirate room's & 11 salty dog showers
- Ye Olde Pirate Bar!
- Internet - Yarr! Bring yer laptops to the meet for any Y!PP events we run while we're there. Drunken PvP and such ;-)
Currency conversions given in brackets are approximate and correct at the time of uhh, typing. All payments are to be made in Euros!
Since we will be all inclusive yet non-profit-making, we don't have a fixed price. Our aim is to provide bed, board, and booze, for the entire weekend for €70 ($107/£55) to €120 ($184/£95). Depending on the number of attendees it could cost slightly more or perhaps even less - our one fixed cost is that of the accommodation, so we want to get reasonably full. It is inconceivable (yes, we do know the meaning of that word) that it will cost more than €150 ($230/£118) per person for the main weekend, excluding travel.
As a start, we are asking for a €50 ($76/£40) deposit. Bring enough cash to cover the remainder to the event. If you can pay it earlier than that, so much the better, since you won't need much cash at the event otherwise. We'll work out final costs on Sunday afternoon, and then have a divvy of any remaining monies.
Please make your deposit by sending Evilaurian a PM asking her for her Bankaccount details. (for people living in the Netherlands) Evilaurian also accepts payment by PayPal. Send €50 ($76/£40) to maranfournier@gmail.com there. Please include your pirate name and ocean in the comment.
- Friday will start off with a barbeque - plenty of meat (or veggie alternative), sauces, and salads - which will be hot even for late arrivals.
- Saturday, we'll have a fairly simple continental breakfast and a sandwich lunch, with the main 7 course banquet following in the evening.
- Starting with some sorbet to refresh the palate, there will be a choice of soups and then of starters before the main course, which will be followed at a dec(ad)ent distance by cheeses, desserts, and rich coffee with liqueurs.
- Sunday will be even more decadent, with a late British brunch followed later in the afternoon by whole Salmon, and pots of chilli to keep the wolf from the door in the evening.
- Monday morning, a simple breakfast with fresh bread will be available before we clear out by noon.
Please let Dylan know of any special dietary requirements beforehand - there will be vegetarian options at all meals!
Schedule of Events
Because raffles are fun, we will have one! All full members - adults staying for the main weekend - will get 10 tickets. Wootles! Those paying the deposit in advance will get extra tickets: one per month before next august. So if you pay up in July you get 11 tickets, in February you get 16. But what you really care about are the prizes! We'll have a few bottles and some pirate items, as well as some in-game options. Any donations will be appreciated, since we don't want to spend too much of our collective poes on buying stuff! The format will be really simple: First out of the hat gets first choice of the available prizes, and so on.
Getting there
More details on getting to The Netherlands in the first place - coming soon!
We are staying in the middle of the "Green Heart" of Holland - which means we are in the middle of all the main cities, but not quite convenient for any of them. Although there is a local bus which does stop near our location, it doesn't travel often and isn't very convenient. So we'll also be renting a minivan to pick you up and drop you off, from and to local stations.
There'll be a shuttle-service pick-up on Friday afternoon and also on Saturday morning from Bodegraven and Gouda stations; and we'll drop you off on Sunday morning, evening, or Monday morning.
It depends on the number of people staying the midweek after if we continue to rent a minivan, but whatever happens we'll accommodate people heading home as well as people going on day trips (Tuesday and Thursday, to Utrecht and Amsterdam).
If you would like to reserve a spot for the meetup, please follow the following instructions:
- Step 1 - Copy the following text to your clipboard: {{Piratemeet|Pirate=PIRATENAME|Forum=FORUM USER NAME|18=yes/no}}
- Step 2 - Follow this link.
- Step 3 - Paste text template at the end of the list for your appropriate ocean. Replace PIRATENAME with your main pirate's name, FORUM USER NAME with the user name you have on the YPP forums, and enter either yes or no (lower case letters) for 18 and over.
- Step 4 - Save the changes. You are now registered for the Dutch Meetup August 2008.
- Step 5 - Send your deposit to Evilaurian:
- Dutch members can transfer €50 by bank transfer to EvilAurian. PM her for bank info.
- Other folk can send the deposit via Paypal, use maranfournier@gmail.com for sending your payment, please include your pirate name and ocean in the comment.
Please note, your slot is not fully reserved until the deposit is received.
Registered Guests
- oblivionlord
- sobek