Devilish Anarchy

From YPPedia
Devilish Anarchy at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Devil
Senior Officer(s) Pucelle, Snakeandmous
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 30 June, 2008
Dormant or disbanded as of 9 December, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

Devilish Anarchy is a crew on the Hunter Ocean.

The Crew

Devilish Anarchy

Public Statement

Attack, Connquer and Survive

Ranks and Promotions

Cabin Person
  • Any stats.
  • At least 2 Broad skills.
  • Distinguish in Carpentry, Bilge, Sail, Swordfighting and Rumble. (Gun, B-nav, Navigation and Treasure Haul are acceptable).
Fleet Officer
  • Respected in Carpentry, Bilge, Sail, Swordfighting and Rumble. (Gun, B-nav, Navigation and Treasure Haul are acceptable).
Senior Officer
  • Show their trust, loyalty, master standings in Carpentry, Bilge, Sail, Swordfighting and Rumble. (Gun, B-nav, Navigation and Treasure Haul are acceptable).


Please do not ask for a promotion if you do not have the right stats for the rank you have. Please do not ask to be promoted.

Thank you

Crew : Rules

  1. All Senior Officers are allowed to promote and make jobbers full member but are not allowed to demote or expel crew members without permission. If you do you will be expelled
  2. Ask permission to board the vessel (PTB)
  3. If you wanna sail first check bulletin board if there isn't already sailing another vessel of the crew..
  4. If your sailing on one of the unlocked vessels your not allowed port at a uninhabited island.
  5. Be sure to stock the ship well before leaving, and if it already was stocked, be sure to restock it after you port
  6. Do not abandon a ship
  7. Do not leave in battles
  8. Do not steal
  9. Do not spam

Let us Attack, Conquer and Survive.

External Links

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