Death Armada
Death Armada at a Glance | |
Hunter Ocean | |
Last Captain | none |
Senior Officer(s) | Rowyerboat |
Politics | Oligarchic |
Shares | Even |
Flag Affiliation | Raiders |
Founded | 26 March, 2008 |
Dormant as of 10 February, 2009 | |
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Death Armada is a crew on the Hunter Ocean. It was founded March 26th, 2008. This crew is now dormant.
Public Statement
Go Raiders!!!! Kill the Landlubbers!!
Extended Public Statement
Flag website:
We're still new so we hope you will join our cause and help us rise to fame. Crew Manned houses and stall: Dyrati's cottage on Aimuari and redwitches villa on Aimuari and Mitchelgram's townhouse on aimuari Dyrati's distiling stall on aimuari We just have a few simple rules: 1. Respect people who are a higher rank than you. 2. Dont beg for money. Pillige and earn it yerself. 3. Never leave a ship at an uninhabited island. 4. Dont enter sinking blockades with someone elses ship. If you do and you sink their ship your gonna have to get them a new one. 5. Always restock a ship when yer done. 6. Dont beg for ranks if you do you will be demoted. (unless you acctually deserve the rank of course) The ranks shall be as follows: Cabin Person: Punshiment Rank Pirate: You start here Officer: 3 distinguished or 2 distinguished and 1 respected. you need to be able to lead a pilly and has to have broad in nav or B nav.. Fleet officer: No ables except in nav b nav Swordfighting and Rumble. Also my trust. Or if ye have a sloop or a cutter. must be able to lead a pilly need broad in Nav or B nav. Senior Officer: [Technically these are the old requirements. As The only SO, Rowyerboat is essentially capitain.} rulesS.O.'s must act as captain when he is not online this is a very hard rank to get to. you must have been in the crew for a while and have my full trust. S.O.'s can reccomend people to be S.O.'s but i only will pick since they have such a big role in the crew. you will need 4 masters and 1 grand master the rest can be respected but no ables except in the stats rumble nav and Treasure Haul. Or if ye has a ship (Merchant Brig+) or if ye has 2 sloops or 2 cutters. needs to know how to launch a pilly and has to have solid in nav and broad in Bnav.
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