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Dayjon is a pirate on the Hunter Ocean.

Dayjon started out like every other pirate; a greenie with no friends. He previously had a different pirate, named Considera. Dayjon has a sister, Sweetybaby, who also plays Puzzle Pirates. When Sweetybaby met a pirate named Deilani, she joined his crew, Dragons of the world. Dayjon also later joined this same crew, and thought that it was awesome. Unfortunately, around two weeks later, the captain of Dragons of the world, Bellaflop, deleted the crew. Dayjon didn't understand the reasons why the crew was deleted. Luckily, Abbin, a friend of Missnoodle, soon invited everyone to join their crew. Dayjon joined, because he was crewless. At first, it was a lot of fun, but it soon became a lot of drama.

Around two months later, Dayjon became annoyed because he was demoted to the rank of officer by a senior officer in his crew for name-calling. This senior officer also alleged that Dayjon had stolen maps from a ship, an allegation denied by Dayjon. Later, Abbin demoted Dayjon to the rank of pirate, and Dayjon had had enough. He quit the crew (something which he later regretted). Not knowing where to go from here, Dayjon joined the crew We hate unicorns. He considered this crew to be a pretty awesome crew, but not as fun as The abandon, so he soon quit and joined another crew, where he remains today.

Dayjon will always have memories of his old crews but he found a better crew called sky raiders, an amazing crew. He made a promise to himself that he would never join another crew because of Captain Staravia. He believes she is the hottest thing but really there was some drama, as in most crews.

Past Crews

  • The abandon (officer)
  • Dragons of the world (officer)
  • We hate unicorns (fleet officer)

PoE and Doubs


top 3 prettest girls

  1. Staravia
  2. Chocolates
  3. Hotalian