Cinder and Smoke

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Cinder and Smoke at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Captain Crazmonkey (dormant)
Senior Officer(s) Edwino, Lilirishgrl, Mato, Syriandream
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Dark Inferno
Founded 12 November, 2006
Last updated on 8 March, 2012
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Cinder and Smoke.jpg

Cinder and Smoke is a crew that sails the Cerulean Ocean. The crew flies the flag of Dark Inferno. The crew is based on Labyrinth Moors in the Onyx Archipelago.


Cinder and Smoke was founded on 12 November, 2006 by Edwino. The captainship was passed to Vishnu on 20 August, 2007.

Crew Articles

The crew is dedicated to building teamwork, trust, respect, and having fun. Cinder and Smoke is a strict crew, run like a family, with high standards and high rewards for the pirates who choose to sail the red and gray.

  1. PTB - Permission To Board - you MUST ask for permission to board a ship. If you don't you will be planked and won't be allowed on that pillage.
  2. Do Not Leave During A Battle - unless it's a real emergency. If you do so without explanation, your cut of the booty will be decreased, and you could be demoted or even expelled if you repeatedly abandon a pillage.
  3. No Lazing At Stations - unless you want to be planked and have your cut of the booty decreased.
  4. Show Respect To EVERYONE, as well as for crew property. This is a requirement. You will be expelled for disrespect. Teamwork is very important in this crew.
  5. Finally, Have Fun! We like to pillage as much as possible and have fun together as a crew.

Crew colors are red or maroon (symbolizing Cinder) and white, gray, or black (symbolizing Smoke). The flagship is the war frig the Dark Inferno. When not pillaging, the officers like to hang out at Varuna's Celestial Vessels, the Dark Inferno shipyard.

External Links

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