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Breakneck is currently a senior officer of Sleeping With The Fishes on the Sage Ocean. He has been playing on Sage since February of 2006.

Accomplishments and Positions

  • Former captain of Sleeping With The Fishes.
  • Defeated Gretchen Goldfang on January 10th and February 25th, 2007.


In the first few months of playing Breakneck did not realize there was a higher level game to the one he was playing. He wandered around like a normal greenie, not knowing what was going on. One day he luckily stumbled upon a greenie crew that let him be an officer. He loved it and after about 2 hours of being in the crew he took out a pillage on the only ship that crew had, a merchant brig. He logged off soon after leaving port after getting bored. The next day he realized he was no longer in a crew.

Then he pillaged with other crews, trained a bit, until he deserved to be an officer and was kindly welcomed by Captain Bushmonkey. Then after being in Bushmonkeys crew for a while, He found Robinjh, his brother, had a crew and he joined that as a senior officer.

Not much has happened for Breakneck since then, he stayed in Robinjh's crew as a senior officer for a long time. Recently Breakneck created a crew by himself, The Hungry Homeless. After realizing he was going no-where fast he merged back to Sleeping With The Fishes and returned to his senior officer post.

Recently The Hungry Homeless has been recreated and Breakneck has become captain, again. Even more recently The Hungry Homeless was re-merged into Sleeping With The Fishes.