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Blizzardwolf, known as Blizzy or Bliz to friends as well as crewmates, is currently an officer of the crew Serendipity and a member of the flag Rebel Rousers. At this time, she plays on Hunter. In addition, she currently resides in a townhouse on Aimuari Island.


Blizzardwolf began playing Puzzle Pirates in approximately Winter of 2006. She started her pirate career working for the crew DOH, the Drunks of Hunter. During that time, Skellieslayr was captain. While working for DOH, Blizzardwolf mostly puzzled with Bilging and Sailing while learning the ropes of the game.

As her interest in DOH faded, Blizzardwolf joined the crew Poseidon's Revenge in 2007, which at that time was led by Captain Swashbearder. While befriending many of the crew's members, including Truepiraness, Turio, Bartjohn, Raphishere, Kukisuki, Cjswtes, Wolflily, and Wulverine, she quickly rose the ranks and became senior officer.

Although very strong friendship between Raphishere, Truepiraness, and Blizzardwolf was maintained for quite some time, complications involving Blizzardwolf, Truepiraness and Swashbearder arose. Shortly after joining the crew, Swashbearder and Truepiraness, who were engaged in an online relationship, broke up. Soon after, Swashbearder took a fancy to Blizzardwolf, very much to the dismay of Truepiraness and loyal friend Raphishere. Blizzardwolf admitted her wrongdoing; however, Truepiraness quit Puzzle Pirates and the two never spoke again. After Truepiraness quit Puzzle Pirates, Poseidon's Revenge broke up. However, Swashbearder and Blizzardwolf successfully remained a couple for quite some time. However, the two faced complications of their own and are no longer together. She no longer dates on Puzzle Pirates.

Currently, she enjoys Cursed Isles and Atlantis trips as well as expeditions. She prefers to follow rather than lead and never runs pillages or the like. Carpentry, Foraging and Blacksmithing are her favorite puzzles.

She is much loved by Swash, one of her biggest fans.