Once upon a time there was a pirate named Princelance. Princelance played from 2007 to 2009 when one horrible night he went on a Cursed Isles run to fight Vargas the Mad. Princelance was the only one left from his team fighting off Vargas. It was a heroic and amazing swordfight to watch, as it was Princelance against just Vargas. Unfortunatley he eventually lost the battle and lost his name to Vargas.
Blizzardstar was born the next day, a newer and will be better version of Princelance. Blizzard connected with his old friends and made several new ones. Blizzard is working on stats, and is in the crew Satisfaction which sails on the Sage Ocean. He thanks his captain and best friend, Klady, for everything he's done for she is his source of inspiration. Blizzard is interested in the business life of Puzzle Pirates, and wishes to one day open a successful stall. He loves hosting pillages and has fun while doing it.
Blizzardstars Trinkets on the Sage Ocean
Trinkets for Sale