Blackpearl's Nightmear

From YPPedia
Blackpearl's Nightmear at a Glance
Ice Ocean
Last Monarch Iceroyalty of Rumble Raiders
Member crew(s) Dream Weddings on Cobalt, United Pirates of Ice
Dormant as of 20 June, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info

Blackpearl's Nightmear was a flag on the Ice Ocean founded in the year 2006 on June 2nd.

Public Statement

This is an up and coming flag on the Ice Ocean - a test ocean for YPP. The flag is doing quite well and currently has six active crews aligned with it. The crews are Rumble Raiders; Flogging Buccaneers; Freedom Pillagers; Sword Demons; and the Numidian Mercenaries and The Scarlet Mark. The titled members of the flag are Spiffyman, Odinabbott, and Darkstar and Calicojacki. The royalty are Ondine, Sakijama and Cannibalgirl. The flag welcomes any new crews that are seeking a flag.