Banjoe is an officer of the crew Celtic Raiders and a member of the flag CELTIC DEMONS on the Hunter Ocean.
He was once but a lonely pirate who hadn't a clue what to do. Instead of asking he did what he would normaly do, and tried to figure out things for himself. In the beginning his first love was sailing but, later on they had trouble and they kindly went their ways. He enjoys carping, gunning, bnaving, and long walks on the beach. He was with one crew, which he forgets who they were, and was for some reason not in the crew the next day. That's when he met Schwa on a jobbing pillage. He joined his crew and swiftly was promoted to officer, because he trusts him. Afterwards he was promoted to fleet officer and then eventually senior officer. But then the Faction regretfully crumbled and so he became a mercinary for a while. He tried to find a good crew and so he tried some of his hearties crews but no success came his way. So one day he jobbed for the crew by the name of Celtic Raiders and was promoted to Officer in no time. Probably because of his awesome gunning skills. I remember when he had to gun for and entier WB but I digress. HIS JOURNEY SHALL CONTINUE STAY TUNED FOR MORE ACTION PACT PLOTS OF BAAAAAANNNNJJOOOEEEE.
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