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[[Category:{{{2}}} Ocean pirates]] [[Category:{{{2}}} Ocean pirates]] Arthurvnb is a fleet officer of the crew Raven's Nest and member of the flag Raven's Lair. He is known as Arthur to fellow pirates and friends.

The first crew he joined was the Swashbucklers of Sage as a cabin person and later left to join the crew Swordfighters of Sage as a pirate.

Now the Swordfighters of Sage merged with the crew Terror Unveiled and Arthur joined there as fleet officer but now he is officer and waits until he will be senior officer again.

After this he joined the crew Raven's Nest of the flag Raven's Lair as an officer and now he was promoted to fleet officer.

After a year a and half of not being active he got back, and immediately joined the crew when hell turns to ice as an Officer.


  • Officer of the crew When Hell Turns To Ice
  • Member of the flag Cup O' Coffee
