Angel Squadron

From YPPedia
Angel Squadron at a Glance
Cerulean Ocean
Captain Ldylunatic
Senior Officer(s) Budman
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Reverence's Rebirth
Founded 31 October, 2009
Last updated on 22 February, 2012
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Angel Squadron is a crew on the Cerulean Ocean in the flag Reverence's Rebirth.

Extended Public Statement

Welcome to Angel Squadron

Our Crew is based on mutual respect and trust. Keep conflicts out of crew tells and forums.

Always ask PTB ( permission to board) when you want to board any vessel.

No leaving during battle, except in emergencies. If ye do so, you may forfeit any poe ye earned on that trip. Ask before leaving battle.

Pirate: When you have a subscribtion for PP ye will qualify to become Pirate. Request promotion by an Officer or above.We would appriciate it if you find a job at a crew owned stall.

Officer: Ye have to have Broad experience in all duty puzzles and been with us for at least a week so we got the chance to get to know you. You must learn the Flag's structure.

Officers in training will be given the title Midshipman. As midshipman ye are not allowed to run pilly's on yer own unless your Bnav experience is Broad. Officers are not allowed to do Pvp battle unless there is an FO, SO or Captain present.