Amazing Race for Barbary

From YPPedia


Come have some fun with Late Night Hoes on Wednesday, August 28th 2024 @ 5pm gametime for an event blockade at Barbary. Race from ocean to island and back to ocean as many times as you can to collect the most points. Each ship that crosses the board and back is 1 point scored. There is no limit on the size of the ships you may use, however you are limited to mercenaries only and no additional jobbers. The event blockade will be sinking.

We will have several ships on the board that will shoot at crossing ships in order to add some challenge. All flags are welcome to participate, but are limited to 3 ships on the board at a time. Any ships racing will be mercs only, but LNH will hire jobbers for the "defending" ships so everyone can have some fun.

The flag that scores the most points wins Barbary. We will pay for any drop fees for transferring the island to the winning flag.

LNH will defend the island for two weeks after the event should anyone attack the winning flag. Good Luck!