The pirate Aisso went by a few aliases before settling down on the Viridian ocean in March 2006; her previous personas include Kano and Linaeus, both of which are deleted and long-gone.
She remained an independent pirate until August 2006, when she joined the crew, Infinite Depths. Despite offers of higher rank in various other crews, she happily remained in Infinite Depths as a pirate. She was promoted to fleet officer sometime in the year 2007 and appointed senior officer in October 2007. On an interesting note, Aisso was made captain of the crew for the evening of June 29, 2007, due to blockade commitments of the real captain. She disregarded her ability to abuse captain's privileges and instead took a portrait. Also in 2007, she was made a lady in the flag, Sailor's Delight.
Without receiving the Soggy Boot trophy, the accident-prone Aisso has managed to injure herself three times in 2008. She was pegged on March 15, lost an eye April 26, and received a hook June 30. Aisso optimistically awaits receiving the final starfish injury, and continues to journey to Atlantis in hopes of an echinoderm taking residence upon her cheek.
Puzzling Events
- 5th place in BK Fruit Frenzy Races on the Viridian Ocean, held June 2-3, 2007. Participated in a team with Veloce.
- 1st place in the Atlantean Sailing Bake-off as part of the Atlantean Conch Shell Events, held August 18, 2007.
- 1st place in Atlantean Conch Races on the Viridian Ocean, for the race held September 1, 2007. Participated in a team with Veloce and Defleur.
- 1st place in Bakeoff Bonanza!, Sailing division, held September 30, 2007.
- 12th place in Tri-Duty Bake-offs on the Viridian Ocean, held October 19, 2007.
- 1st and 2nd place in The Great Race Frenzy! on the Viridian Ocean, held January 12-13. Participated in a team with Veloce.
- 1st place in an Impromptu Sailing Bake-off, under Nova, held June 14, 2008.
- Incredible winner in Summer Games Festival of Piracy for Sailing on August 9, August 12 and August 15; for Carpentry on August 11, 2008.
- Incredible winner in Mystery Sail competition on October 5, 2008.
Forum Events
- Draw a Brigand King! portrait event winner for her portrait of Azarbad the Great, August 2007
- 2nd place in Darkfaery's Enchanted Portrait drawing event, September 2007.
- Two honorable mentions in Easter Easel, March 2008.
- Placed in Apollo's Crafty Poetic Art event - Moony Sheen, Halloween 2008.
- Awarded the #1 Sailor trophy on the Viridian Ocean, date unknown
- Rewarded the Spires of Tackle sailing maneuver trophy early 2008, without ever being rewarded the Oaken Token of Sails and before receiving the Wind Marble.