Ace o' Spades

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Ace o' Spades at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Cptshivers
Senior Officer(s) Marstosirius, Tatita, Whitejesus
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Shiver Me Timbers
Founded 18 March, 2014
Last updated on 28 April, 2014
Favicon.png Crew Info

Ace o' Spades is a crew on the Emerald Ocean in the flag Shiver Me Timbers.

Public statement

We're the art of civilized bushwhacking.

Extended public statement

Welcome to our crew, and thanks for jobbing with us! I hope you will have a nice trip! Here are some rules we wish you should respect while pillaging with us, so the voyage is kept nice and politely. Rules:

- Please ask PTB (permission to board) before entering a vessel you weren't asked to board.

- Please do not break Terms of Service in our crew.

- Please read what the OIC (officer in charge) says on the vessel, and respect his actions.

- Please work and do not laze.

<<<<< Crew hall is located in Admiral Island ( Sin City ) >>>>>

  1. 4 place on Crew Fame list hit on 1-06-2014.

.............................................................................................................................................. And always remember: Max has best Schlong EU.