-Emo Angels-

From YPPedia
-Emo Angels- at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Last Captain Piratecolton
Senior Officer(s) Sarahmae, Sexydrew, Sexyhay, Wichert
Politics Democratic
Shares Promotion Pays
Flag Affiliation Independent
Founded 25 May, 2009
Dormant as of 2 August, 2009
Favicon.png Crew Info
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-Emo Angels- is a crew of noted fame on the Hunter Ocean. They are currently an independent crew, however they previously flew the flag Illuminatti.

Public Statement

Hello! I am your captain, Our Co Capns are Sarahmae and SexyHay. Please, make yourself at home :).

Extended Public Statement

Hi everyone, welcome to my crew.We run day to day pillys and play fun games!We're all about work and fun, and making friends.


  1. Love your crewmates
  2. I'll be leaving my boats unlocked up until my WB that is 3-4 boats depending so if you do take it out it only sails to Pukru, Saiph or Quetzal.
  3. Restock all boats you take out if they arent yours 4)NEVER use PTB (permission to board) its really stupid...
  4. Don't abandon any ship unless it is your own
  5. Have fun and no shouting :D (expect for me)

Well that about covers it...The rank requirements are in the private statement. No exceptions will be made unless you have a ship...that's the only one. Cheers!

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