
From YPPedia
Violetxx has no portrait

Violetxx is a pirate on the Cobalt Ocean. Currently a cabin person and flirt of the crew Angel Squadron and a member of the flag Reverence's Rebirth. She has been playing for almost a year and is non subscribed. She was formerly in the crew Royal Fortune.


Violet(or Vio for short) lives in many houses. The house she was given on the game was the natives are resting on Tigerleaf Mountain but she soon moved into an estate with her hearty Caitle. She then moved to Dragon's Nest where she bought a shack and then decided it wasn't big enough and began saving for a townhouse. Her good friend Floyd then made her and a couple of friends roomies at his house. To this present day she is living there. She has just moved in with her friend Adde.


Violet has a rat named Scamper and a small dog named Coco. They both share the townhouse.


She some day plans to be subscribed and to hopfully become the governor of an island.

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