
From YPPedia


Best Skill: Treasure Haul

Second-Best Skill Shipwrightery

Third-Best Skill: Foraging

Worst Skill: Carpentry

Second-Worst Skill: Blacksmithing

Third-Worst Skill: Distilling

Ocean Characters

Viridian: Inoka

Current Crew

Legacy of Darkness

Current Rank: Fleet Officer

Highest Rank: Fleet Officer

Executive Officers


XO Powers

XOs must work when ordered by me, or of a higher XO. They can do a different station if required. They can also be ordered by one of a higher rank, unless if they are level 40 and higher. (Fleet Officer/Senior Officer/Captain are ranks) Pillaging leader gets full power on the boat, unless if they step down for someone else to do it.

Level 1 New XO. No rights, except pillaging until trust. Is also allowed to plank lazers, and afk'ers.

Level 10 Planking reports, Division reports.

Level 20 Planking reports, Planking rights, Division reports.

Level 30 Planking reports, Planking rights, Division reports.

Level 40 Planking reports, Planking rights, Division rights, Division reports.

Level 50: Planking reports, Planking rights, Division rights, Division reports, + & - rights.

Level 51: Second-In-Command. Planking reports, Planking rights, Division rights, Division reports. + & - rights.

Demotions/Warnings/Suspensions/Removals of XO occur if

1: General annoyance occurs. (spam, threats. /complaint if spam goes too far)
2: Constant lazing without reason. (will plank few times, and warn)
3: Planking of commanding officer of the pillage. (warning occurs, then demotion, and
4: Insults (among this, /complaint, demotion first time, suspension
+ demotion second time + /complaint, and major demotion, plus high suspension and /complaint.)
5: Planking ship owner. (this rule isn't on ALL occasions, just only ones that are for no 
6: Messing around with the officer board. (you can work on the editable, but nothing
above it)