Transformers Armada

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Transformers Armada at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Darkwingduck
Senior Officer(s) Geogger, Grandcruiser, Ruby, Lucklyduckly
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Shadow Knights
Dormant or disbanded as of 3 June, 2007
Favicon.png Crew Info

Transformers Armada was founded on the 8th of November 2006. This crew sailed the Viridian Ocean.

Public Statement

We're not really robots in disguise... or are we?

As you can probably tell, I'm very much into old school cartoons. You know back in the day when it was worth getting up at 7 in the morning on a Saturday to sit in front of the TV and watch cartoons like Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles and and Animaniacs and all the other classics.

We're just lookin to have some serious fun on this game. I mean thats all this game is about, am I right? I have very few rules when it comes to being a part of this crew. #1 is, of course, respect in all its forms. Things like cursing and whatnot I honestly don't care but if someone on the boat or wherever does then it would have to stop, you know things like that. #2 is pretty much just listen and do what the OIC says, which in most cases is me. The reason is because I like money, I like making money and I'm sure you do too so if I do make a decision please follow it because I made it in my best interests which in turn is probably gonna be in your best interests as well.



  • You just need to get higher than novice in a few skills.


Fleet Officer

  • Broad in all piracy skills excluding swordfighting and rumbling.
  • Run a successful pillage with Darkwingduck as your full jobber.

Senior Officer

  • Need to earn trust and honor of the captain.