The Truth In Silence

From YPPedia
The Truth In Silence at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Captain Spymasta
Senior Officer(s) Grrll, Xkillinx
Politics Autocratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Pay To Play
Founded 1 June, 2014
Last updated on 4 June, 2014
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The Truth In Silence is a crew on the Meridian Ocean.

Public statement

Proudly founded on the 1st of June 2014.

Extended public statement

The Truth In Silence - The most skilled, drunken bunch of swabs you will ever hope to meet.

We welcome any and all to our most awesome crew! Just ask any officer to join.

Crew hall

Our crew hall can be found on Olive Island.

Promotion requirements

In The Truth In Silence we believe in loyalty, trust and good fun! All ranks can be earned by simply being active and being loyal to the crew. Your knowledge of puzzles can be important but they aren't all we look for in a pirate!

Cabin Person - This rank will be considered for punishment only.

Pirate - Join The Crew > Become A Pirate.

Officer - Must Have some General Knowledge Within the game. However Battle Navigation is not necessarily essential towards this rank. However. It would be nice. Therefore You only need 4 Broads, or Respected Bnav.

Fleet Officer - Fleet Officer is a big step-up from Officer. Where you're now allowed to access PoE from ships which do not belong to you. Therefore trust comes with this rank. To qualify you either need 4 Solids and 2 Broads, or equivalent, or Respected+ Bnav.

Senior Officer - This rank will be for decisions towards the SOs and Captain. The captain will have the biggest say towards SOs however, other SOs will also a say.

Captain - Already taken.