The Jolly Otters

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Current The Jolly Otters Crew

'The Jolly Otters' at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Captinlucy
Senior Officer(s) Beccs, Demented, Dirtydog, Jackarius, Merlin, Monkeydan, Sexcsammie
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Latis
Founded 14 December, 2008
disbanded as of 18 May, 2009

The crew was reformed on 14th December 2008 by Captinlucy. Mizzsparrow joined after to help out being Senior Officer. A week later a unlikely legend of the crew showed up as Senior Officer, Merlin. He helped us to making the achivment of Celebrated. The Otters became Celebrated on December 30th.

The Jolly Otters at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Syrius
Senior Officer(s) Avarstash, Defender, Loveablecat, Maddhadder, Piccadilie, Searoselady
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation What Lies Beyond
Founded 2 September, 2005
Dormant or disbanded as of 2 September, 2008

Original The Jolly Otters Crew

The Jolly Otters was a crew that sails on the Cobalt Ocean under the flag What Lies Beyond. The crew has achieved a fame level of celebrated when it merged.

On 1st September 2008, The Jolly Otters merged with the crew Beyond the Sea


The crew was founded on 2nd September 2005. It was originally under the flag of the United Pirate Federation.

Crew Statement

Our aim is to create and foster a tight-knit pirate family whose goal is to inspire each other to reach our full pirate potential as individuals and a crew.

Extended Crew Statement

The Jolly Otters are a group of fun, polite and great pirates. We believe in equality for all ranks and respect all. We do not like to plank, but if you are disrespectful, obnoxious or will not follow orders, we will plank. We help our own, and treat all jobbers as if they were part of the crew. We love to make poe, have fun and joke with each other. We welcome new and old pirates to our family. We looks forward to meeting you!

We sail in memory of the founder Trisotter.

We sail by the grace of the Creator of all things.

We will honor the memory of past Captains: Trisotter, Searoselady, Teotl, Rosies, Merlin and Syrius.

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