The Celtic Pride

From YPPedia
The Celtic Pride at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Longjons
Senior Officer(s) Phlodge
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Silent Assassin's
Founded 16 June, 2009
Dormant as of 9 January, 2011

The Celtic Pride was a crew on the Sage Ocean.

Public Statement

Hoy there everyone! We are a new crew looking to pursue great new feats, if you think you will make a good crew member, and bring something to the crew, join up!

Extended Public Statement

As stated in the previous statement, we are determined to complete excellent pillages, training, and make new friends. We have been created just recently and taking most people without a problem.


The ranks will go as follows.

  • Cabin person: There shall be none unless ye have done a bad deed.
  • Pirate: Everyone will start here. This is an excellent stage for everyone to start working towards their Officer rank.
  • Officer: Will have completed training. Experience in Bnav is needed. A few distinguished/higher standings will be excellent too!
Note: All pirates must have completed Officer Training from the Captain or a Senior Officer before advancing to the rank of Officer and being able to pillage. Anyone who pillages before receiving Officer Training and being told it's ok to go ahead from the Captain or a Senior Officer will be demoted to Pirate.
  • Captain: Of course, it is Longjons, unless otherwise directed!

As stated in the previous statement, we are determined to complete excellent pillages, training, and make new friends. We have been created just recently and taking most people without a problem.

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