Silent Rose

From YPPedia
Silent Rose at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Last Captain Waterqueen
Senior Officer(s) Fraellin, Kyock, Rickasjobber
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobber's Delight
Flag Affiliation Silent Assassin's
Founded 11 August, 2008
Dormant as of 27 July, 2013
Crews-Silent Rose.jpg

The crew Silent Rose on Sage Ocean was created on 11th August 2008 by Ricka (former captain of Silent Storm).


Silent Rose was created as a 'sister crew' to the crew Silent Storm where Ricka first began and became captain.

Public Statement

Stuff the roses, give me the Thorns, We are the 'Thorn's In Your Side'

Extended Public Statement


To join the crew, or to see what ye need fer promotions, the ranks are as follows:

Cabin Person: Punishment Rank!

Pirate: Just ask any officer, Everyone starts as pirate (but yer need to hold the badge to be a real pirate)

Officer: Trust & Broads on 3 piracy puzzles with some distinguished standings and Gunning/Bnav experience (& hold Officer badge) A ship also helps! (Officer Training is offered)

Fleet Officer: My Trust! & the same as Officer except ye experience in most piracy puzzles would be solid with some master standings. Must have good Bnav & Gunning experience. (& hold the badge)

Senior Officer: Please Don't ask! Only a after a great length of time with the crew would you gain this rank. My trust is vital! Dedication, activity and loyalty are what i expect from S'O's. Stats would need to be better than F'O's and this promotion would only be given when i believe you are dedicated to me crew and can look after it as good as me if not better!

Captain: All the roses in the world wouldn't talk me round, not a chance :-p


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