
From YPPedia

Morpheusshad plays primarily on the Cobalt Ocean, as a senior officer in Kogarashi, of the flag Winds of Change. She owns an apothecary stall, a weaving stall, a distilling stall, the iron monger shoppe Peashooters, and the shipyard Refrigged Beans, all on Lima Island.

On 2006-06-11 Morpheusshad won the Cobalt gunning bake-off, the Daily Dose of Iron. The prize for the contest was a blue ribbon trinket, and the right to build an iron monger shoppe on Lima.

On 2006-06-24 Morpheusshad won the Cobalt solo sloop race, the The Nina, The Pinto, and the Santa Maria. The prize for the contest the right to build a shipyard shoppe on Lima.