Rising Sun (Emerald)

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(Redirected from In Your Face)
For the crew Rising Sun on the Meridian Ocean, see Rising Sun.
Rising Sun at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Last Captain Bobbear
Senior Officer(s) Janieta, Lowrider, Lsuroux, Tonsofun
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Get Back
Founded 20 October, 2009
Dormant as of 27 July, 2013
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Rising Sun.jpg

Rising Sun was a crew on the Emerald Ocean, formerly the Sage Ocean, created October 20, 2009.


In Your Face was created by Lowrider at Lowrider's Manor. The first crew member to join (besides Lowrider) was Bobbear, who was given the rank of senior officer and first mate as a title. The name "In Your Face" was thought of by Bobbear, and first orginated as a day dream, which then bloomed into an idea and was then suggested, as well as many other names, some of which were very outlandish. The name was thought to be a message to all who may doubt or oppose, when the members of In Your Face rise to the top.

The crew was renamed near the end of 2010 to Rising Sun.

What's in it for me?

  • Access to the crew/flag house! (A well-furnished modest pirate hall.)
  • Tons of new friends!
  • Fun voyages, maybe even Cursed Isles and Atlantis!
  • Lots of fun and MORE!!!

Public statement

After every night, comes the Rising Sun

Promotion requirements

  • Pirate: At least 5 seconds in the crew. No stat requirements.
  • Officer: 2 Master piracy stats and narrow B-nav and/or own a ship.
  • Fleet officer: 4 Master piracy stats and solid B-nav and/or trust and a certain level of maturity.
  • Senior officer: A lot of trust and a certain level of maturity. DO NOT ask for this rank.

Crew stalls

  • Woodsbp's Ironworking Stall on Admiral Island.
  • Lordconner's Tailoring Stall on Admiral Island.
  • Lordconner's Shipbuilding Stall on Admiral Island.