Fishy Fusiliers

From YPPedia
Fishy Fusiliers at a Glance
Meridian Ocean
Last Captain Freshfish
Senior Officer(s) None
Politics Democratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation fishy legion
Founded 28 February, 2009
Dormant as of 26 December, 2010
Favicon.png Crew Info

Fishy Fusiliers is a dormant crew that sails the Meridian Ocean, formerly the Malachite Ocean. The crew currently flies the flag of fishy legion.


Icon captain.png Captain


Icon senior officer.png Senior Officers


Icon fleet officer.png Fleet Officers

Maxy, Minxymel, Vingence

Icon officer.png Officers

Jewellatsea, Lovemaryjane

Promotion prerequisites

Icon cabin person.png Cabin Person

Reserved as a punishment.

Icon pirate.png Pirate

The basic rank of the crew. Every member starts off as a Pirate, regardless of stats.

Icon officer.png Officer

You must be willing to be trained to run pillages and run them on your own from time to time. It is recommended that you have atleast Solid experience in the three main puzzles (Bilging, Carpentry and Sailing).

Icon fleet officer.png Fleet Officer

You must own your own vessel and be prepared to run pillages for the crew at least once a week.

Icon senior officer.png Senior Officer

Only the most trusted pirates may be promoted to Senior Officer. Other Senior Officers may nominate for promotion.

Icon captain.png Captain

Why are you even checking? Silly pirate!

Stalls and houses

Icon iron monger.png Iron Monger

Saltstraum - Pokerskills's Stall
Cheldyra Cove - Farhans's Stall

Icon distillery.png Distillery

Barracuda - Seawytch's Stall

Icon shipyard.png Shipyard

Chrysalis - Kosheen's Stall

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