Fallen Souls

From YPPedia
Fallen Souls at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Freeplumber
Senior Officer(s) Baardje, Bowyz, Captnjakk, Evilkneevil, Evilmaid, Gogreenday, Okocoko, Outcast, Redslady, Renee, Ryand, Seasons, Tick, Yokomoko, Yokonoko
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Colors of a Pirate
Founded 6 June, 2006
Disbanded as of 18 May, 2007

Fallen Souls was a crew that sailed the Viridian Ocean. The crew flew the flag of Colors of a Pirate.

History of Fallen Souls

Fallen Souls was refounded on 6 June, 2006.

The Original Crew (November 2004)

The original Fallen Souls was founded in November of 2004 by Harre, the crew's original captain, Yokomoko, Branflakes and Ttpenna, all of whom were senior officers. These four were also instrumental in early crew recruitment.

Fallen Souls quickly grew into a very active crew. Some notable pirates to fill their ranks were Saltake, Sjieg, Talins, Redslady, Elysian.

Yokomoko was appointed to captain around June of 2005 because Harre had a busy period in real life and did not have time to devote to running the crew. During this time Fallen Souls flew the flag Shadow Company and were part of the Corona Reef blockade on 16 July, 2005.

Saltake became the third captain of Fallen Souls at the end of August, 2005. During her leadership Fallen Souls switched flags to become the main crew of Ebrius Feles. Also during her leadership many new pirates joined the crew. Under Ebrius Feles the crew entered their second blockade on November 13, 2005 with Saltake becoming governor of Viridis Island after a 3-0 victory.

The third, and last blockade for the original crew came a week later with the loss of Viridis which brought and end to Ebrius Feles and eventually the end of Fallen Souls.

Fallen Souls continued on for a while under different captains. Finally under the leadership of Kaj, last captain, the crew was merged into Black Pearl, captained by Triggster sometime around December of 2005.

The Second Crew (6 June, 2006)

On 6 June, 2006, Yokomoko decided to refound Fallen Souls in hopes of reuniting the original crew and restoring the fun and fellowship they enjoyed.

The crew eventually merged into Redslady's crew, Evangelists of the Void, with Freeplumber being appointed captain of the combined crew, which he renamed to Fallen Souls.