Devils Destroyers (crew)

From YPPedia
Devils Destroyers at a Glance
Viridian Ocean
Last Captain Tikiis
Senior Officer(s) Angelicdream, Fireflies, Gentlemen, Stunn
Organization Devils Destroyers is primarily run by its senior officers and captain. Any bigger decisions will be discussed with the entire crew but things like promotions are left up to the senior officers and Tikiis.
Politics Democratic
Shares Jobbers Delight
Flag Affiliation South of Sanity
Founded 19 March, 2009
Dormant or disbanded as of 16 January, 2011
Favicon.png Crew Info
Crews-Devils Destroyers.jpg

Devils Destroyers was a crew on the Viridian Ocean.


Devils Destroyers was founded on March 19, 2009 by Tikiis and Rixam. The crew began with Rixam as captain, but he briefly gave it to Tikiis when his computer had trouble with the game. When that was all sorted out, Rixam decided that Tikiis actually did a good job as captain, and he gave her the rank permanently. By the end of the crews first month it was at #40 on the crew fame list with Rixam still as captain. Since then the crew has done nothing but get better. It peaked at about #13 and currently stays around #18.

Crews that stemmed from ours

Other Notes

Tikiis says, "im making us a yppedia page"
Tikiis says, "anything you think we should include?"
Gentlemen says, "how awesome we are"
Gentlemen says, "derrrr"
Chiizusensei says, How about a list of the types of cheese and how much if eaten of each :D

Public Statement

Welcome to my crew =p

Devils Destroyers recruits all kinds of people. More than likely we can match or beat your current rank if you're thinking about joining. We're also prolly about 10x as entertaining =]

Rank Requirements

  • Pirate: You will automatically receive this rank upon joining.
  • Officer: Two broads, a solid, officer training and don't be rude! (We offer officer training if you haven't been formally trained yet. Just ask any SO or the captain).
  • Fleet officer: Be with the crew for a bit and have acceptable stats. Suck up to the captain?
  • Captain: You'd have to kill the captain.