Burnt Bridges

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Burnt Bridges at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Roseraven
Senior Officer(s) Cocop, Helluvadrunk, Lokiliontale, Panteraa
Politics Ogilarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Eternal Glory
Founded 24 October, 2010
Last updated on 16 November, 2010
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Burnt Bridges was founded on October 24, 2010 on the Sage Ocean. It is currently a crew on the Emerald Ocean, within the flag Eternal Glory.


Burnt Bridges was formed by Helluvadrunk. Due to other issues, he decided to step down as Captain for Roseraven. However, he still remains a Senior Officer, and the crew prides itself in fair and Ogilarchic governance.

In early November 2010 the crew joined League of Light, assisting straight away with the Caravanserai XXXVII and Spaniel XLIII blockades.


  1. Helluvadrunk October to November 2010
  2. Roseraven November to present

Public Statement

It makes no difference if we burn our bridges behind us - we never retreat!

Extended Public Statement

Send a tell to any officer to join our merry bunch and hang out in our Fine Crew Hall on Addy!

PROMOTIONS: Cabin Person:: Automatic Pirate:: One Broad Officer:: 3+ Broad experiences and/or vessel deed Fleet Officer:: 3+ Broad experiences including Narrow Battle Navigation experience and vessel deed. Each case will be judged additionally by it's own merit. Senior Officer:: Voted upon by other Senior Officers