
From YPPedia

Bluemagnum is a pirate on the Cobalt Ocean.


  • Senior officer and politician of the crew Fire and Ice
  • Prince of the flag Elements of Fear: 08-02-09 through 08-08-09
  • Sea Admiral for Elements of Fear's unsuccessful attempt (won two rounds) in Tigerleaf Mountain X: 08-02-09
  • owner of Bedouin, Bath and Beyond on Harmattan Island: 03-02-08
  • Commandeered a war brig in Elements of Fear's successful attempt in Harmattan VI: 03-01-08
  • Commandeered a war brig in Elements of Fear's successful attempt in Terra X: 11-02-08
  • As of 7:20 Pirate Time Jan. 12, 2009 owner of Bedouin, Bath and Beyond on Harmattan Island for the second time.


Bluemagnum joined the Cobalt Ocean in November, 2006 under the name of Silvermagnum. He joined the crew Queen Ann's Revenge. After rising to the rank of officer, he realized that he needed to take a break from the game and focus on graduating college.

Wanting a fresh start, Bluemagnum retuned to puzzle pirates in May 2007 under his current name. He joined the crew Devil's Demons and was quickly promoted to the rank of fleet officer in one week. Two weeks passed and he was promoted to the rank of senior officer. The crew disbanded and Bluemagnum was an independent pirate for the first time.

After a couple of great pillies in July 2007, with the pirate Nickelrubber of Fire and Ice, Bluemagnum was invited to join the crew. Within one week he was promoted to officer. Blue, as his crewmates now called him, worked on his pirating skills and was promoted to fleet officer in the winter of 2007, and then again to senior officer in the early months of 2008.