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Berylofun is a senior officer of the crew Pirata Piraticus, and member of the flag Don't Panic.


  • Sometime in late 2005, a pale-skinned Berylofun washed up on the shores of Eta Island, and found herself quickly taken up by The Cartographers of the flag Silver Dawn. She received her officer training there and rose to the rank of fleet officer. By October of 2006 she had been promoted to senior officer of that crew, and took on a number of responsibilites. With The Cartographers, Berylofun served as:
  • In late 2006, Chrisspy and the crew Barnacle for Brains embarked on a long campaign to recruit Berylofun, and in November 2006 their efforts found success. Since her commodity-running habits were quite developed at this point, she was quickly assigned the rank of fleet officer, and was ironically assigned the title of cartographer. With Barnacle for Brains, Berylofun served as:
  • In April 2007, Berylofun no longer felt she fit into her crew, after the departure of some past leaders. She found a home back in Silver Dawn with the crew Siochan Leat, with her good hearties Zingman, Darianne, and many others. During this time, she continued to serve as manager of both the furniture shoppes.
  • In June 2007, the cowboy-themed crew Lunatic Saloon of the flag Incredible picked her up and promoted her to senior officer. She was assigned the title of navigator, and began training for battle navigation of large ships. Her furnished, painted baghlah, renamed Out Law, became her favorite pillaging vessel. Around this time, the furniture shoppe Pottery Barnacle was sold, and problems with Silver Dawn led to her giving up her manager's seat at Enrico's Fermiture. While with Lunatic Saloon, Berylofun served as:
  • Manager of Turing's Turbans and Loominescence on Eta Island.
  • Princess of the flag Incredible for an extended period.
  • Royal representative for the Lunatic Saloon when it joined the flag Riot.
  • Blockade XO at Orca XVI on September 15, 2007.
  • PVP team member for Riot's bid to win the Race for Namath Island on September 30, 2007.
  • At the end of September 2007, the fine crew Namath Army became Berylofun's new home.