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Angryss is senior officer of the crew The Titans.

He is the son of Tabath.


Angryss started sailing the seas of Sage in 2006 under the name of Angrys. He was officer in the crew Hardcore Extreme under captain Evilard. He became a very close friend to fellow crew member Shellywabbit. He later left Hardcore Extreme to go pillage with A World Of Fun under captain Missdenmark. They became very close friends. Due to several reasons he stopped playing the game after a few months.

In the spring of 2008, Angrys returned under the same name. He was welcomed back warmly by Missdenmark who immediately took him into his crew. Again he stopped playing, only to return later that year (31st of August) under the name of Angryss. He once again took his place in A World Of Fun. Here he was adopted by crew mate Tabath. He quickly climbed the ranks of the crew to soon become fleet officer. Due to a conflict between his current captain Missdenmark, and his close friend Tabath, he left the crew together with her to join The Titans in the flag Black Flag where he now happily recides along with all of his closest mates.