Missing Link (Emerald)

From YPPedia
Missing Link at a Glance
Emerald Ocean
Captain Mastrix
Senior Officer(s) Archiebald, Likenstine, Worrying
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Black Moon
Founded 8 October, 2006
Last updated on 29 May, 2017
Favicon.png Crew Info

Missing Link was a crew that originally sailed the Sage Ocean. The crew flies the flag of Black Moon. The crew was founded on 8 October, 2006. It reached a fame of Established.

Public Statement

Now recruiting!

Crew Articles

  1. Make your Captain smile, and he'll bestow duty, power, and responsibility upon you. He's here to serve you, and make things run smoothly.
  2. Do not come on board and ask to gun. The commanding Officer will choose gunners and let them know.
  3. Don't hurt your crew mates by abusing their trust, or by being a jerk. If you do something foolish, apologise. Don't go to the OM's or Blackspot without consulting your captain first; we want to keep problems small, not make them someone else's problem. Be a pain, and pain is what you get
  4. Lazers will not be tolerated. Ye get three chances and ye will be planked, even if you are an Officer or above.
  5. Everyone pulls their weight. When someone has to go away, or do something in real life, you will discuss things among one another, and find a way to get the job done in their stead. Don't wait for a huge meeting between mates, or things will fall apart right in front of you. YOU are the crew, YOU must learn to be self-sufficient.
  6. Please do not go afk during battle. If you need to leave (permanently or momentarily) tell the commanding Officer.
  7. When in doubt, ask the Captain. Don't do something that uses other people's possessions without their permission. With the exception of vessels that are declared "public use", you are to keep your hands confined to your own possessions. Finally, make sure that you put back whatever possessions you do make use of, including vessels, and don't have fun at other people's expense!
  8. Pillagers need to remain at their stations all the way through battle unless ordered to switch by the commanding Officer.
  9. Please do not ask anyone for money. We hate moochers. If you need money come aboard and work for it please.

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