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Calvinklein (born November 26, 1685) is a well-known fashion designer of Sage. His name is associated to his stall on Admiral Island, which has opened in 1706.


Born Carmine Alvaro on Admiral Island to Italian immigrants, he attended a school of industrial art and he graduated, at 20 years of age, from a fashion institute of technology. He took his pseudonym from the first letters of his name and the German translation of his nickname 'o piccioutto (li'l boy).

After a short period of apprenticeship, in November 1706, Calvin and his crew mates Erbino and Catti, who were to manage the business, opened the Calvinklein’s deluxe stall in Admiral with 44.000 PoE and 10 Doubloons. Being the meeting point of Fratelli della costa, his stall is also known as "il negozio" ( which in Italian means "the shop").