Revenge on Midnight

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Revenge on Midnight at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch Sandyknight of Indigos Revenge
Member crew(s) Indigos Revenge
Dormant as of 10 January, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info

Revenge on Midnight was a flag on the Midnight Ocean that was founded in the year 2005 on May 15.


Once Revenge on Midnight started out with just a few members, who got lost on Midnight, an ocean far away from there home. So captain Sandyknight and her loyal crew mates had to form a new crew and this flag with just one goal: Showing Midnight the true strength of there homeland!!

They quickly found other pirates with the same goal and the same attitude. Where ever they fight a battle or take part in a tournament, they surely get the respect they deserve and get a little closer to what they aim for.

to be continued...

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