
From YPPedia

The Beginning

On the fitful day of July 2008 , Mossflower washed up on the beaches of Aimuary Islands. Back then he but a lowly and confused pirate, dressed in the white rags he had been wearing since as long as he could remember. He had quickly found his bearings and was soon battling with other pirates and pillaging as he if had done it all his life.

After having left yet another crew, Mossflower went on a pillage. The leader of this pillage was Yarrh. After epic battles and much merriment the pillage ended as the sloop reached Pukru Port. As soon as he signed up for the crew, he felt like this was the one he was destined for. After that he soon rose the ranks, even getting his Officer test passed by Yarrh. Now he is still roaming the seas with the Tigersharks which is part of the Dragon Slayers flag.

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