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Ladyofspring started Puzzle Pirates in the summer of 2005. Her first pirate was Ethuilrin. She sailed under this name under the captaincy of Crannos until he left the game. After he quit she began playing on her alternate pirate and joined a crew called The Sea Slayers led by Mustangma. There she was promoted to Senior officer and was made Princess of the flag Dark side of the moon. After approximately two months in this flag she was expelled for questionable reasons. After the expulsion she joined her mother's crew, Cheese Louise. This crew was created as a refuge from all things drama, where people could come and go as they saw fit. Shortly after joining Cheese Louise, Ladyofspring became Captain of the crew. Within a few weeks, they were invited to join the flag Relatives where she was made a Princess.

Currently, Ladyofspring is Captain of her crew Beach Slapped and Princess of the flag Docktarts United. She and her merry band of self-proclaimed-docktarts are spending the peaceful life of no political entanglements.