Ixiya is a well-known non-subscribing pirate on the Midnight Ocean. In April 2007 she started her adventure at Guava Island on the Midnight Ocean. Ixiya joined the crew "we love crew spirit" on her first day of playing Puzzle Pirates, after jobbing with them and making friends with some of the members. She remained loyal to her crew for a month through countless invites from other crews. After that she realised none of her crew members were ever online anymore. She looked around for a new crew and got a jobbing invite from Hyrule Knight. In a swordfight she took on seven bots and lost. Ixiya made friends with former cabin person of Hyrule Knight, Leatherfaces. After a hard decision she joined Hyrule Knight. A little while later she moved into Leatherfaces's cottage on Epsilon Island.
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