Event E2/Proposal uhhsuperman

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(Midnight)Race For Laughs.
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A sloop race from Spring Island to Alpha palace to give the funniest stand up routine.

Player Profile Timeline
Audience Heavy pillages/writers. Elapsed time 1st day the race, 2nd for stand up.
Unit of Entry Sloop team for race/Indvidual for stand up. Participant Time 45 minutes for race (max expected time for race) and 25 minutes for each stand up (5 minutes each)
Expected Participation 5 Stand up Comedians and their teams. Judging Time Race will be as soon as the last sloop makes it to port, 15 minutes after last stand up.
Platform Race between Nu island to Alpha Island, then stand up in alpha palace.


Event Description

5 Stand-ups and their sloop teams (Max of 5 to a team) will race from Spring island to Alpha where they will then race to the throne room of Alpha Palace to a judge to check in. Then the next night The stand ups (not anyone from their team) will give their routines in order of the mates who showed up to the palace, to a crowd of wanting mates and 5 judges.


Win by which team has the most points, 20 points for first in from the race, then 15 for 2nd,10 for 3rd,5 for 4th, and 0 for last. And then 30 for best stand up, 25 for 2nd, 15 for 3rd, 10 for 4th, and 5 points for last.


A ribbon to the funniest stand up, 60k for the winning sloop racer, and a Monkey for the comedian with the most points and 50k for his team.

Help Required

Volunteer Assistance

A few to check up on the sloop racers.

OM Assistance

A Monkey, A Ribbon,And a brigade freeze for the race

Workshop Coaching

How to raise 110k.


Previous Similar Events

There have been races, and some comedy, but never together.


I am Number 2 of a 2 pirate group in charge of events for Wyvern's Pride. Also have run the Santa Judsin events.