From YPPedia
Socialme is a pirate on the Meridian Ocean. He started on July 2012 after having several accounts before playing on and off.
He is great at bilging and carping, as well as blacksmith.
His wife is Glammer.
He is currently in "Your Worst Fear" with Glammer and his friend Fireflames. As well as his nagging friends like Herieman.
He loves poker and is where a lot of his money comes from.
He enjoys CI's SMH's and all pillies. He is hoping to make a mark on his ocean and have fun!
He hopes to make his own crew with Glammer and friends sometime in 2012. If Fireflames lets him that is.
- Ultimate Carp
- Ultimate Bilge
- Ultimate Blacksmith
- Losing all his money in poker
- Wait thats all the time.
- To be the best husband he can be
- Get millions
- Get a familiar
- Get #1 Blacksmithing
- Try to be nice