The Mad Hatter

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The Mad Hatter at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Agrippina
Senior Officer(s) {{{seniorofficers}}}
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Wonderland
Founded 20 January, 2010
dormant as of 10 March, 2012
Crews-The Mad Hatter.jpg

The Mad Hatter began as Agrippina's solo crew after some drama in her previous crew, which ended with disbanding the crew. After a few weeks, Agrippina generated enough activity to reach established fame and immediately made her own flag, Wonderland. She allowed two of her hearties, Vacation and Notgreen, to temporarily stay in her crew. Both they were eventually kicked out after some disputes. The crew went on being just Agrippina for another few months when a hearty of hers, Maac, asked if he could join.

Public Statement

Oh, the wonders of the younger.

Extended Public Statement

So long, farewell, au revoir, auf weidersehen.