The Crew of Gore

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The Crew of Gore at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Daqnel
Senior Officer(s) Kuhn, Monkeylord
Politics Oligachic
Shares Rank's Privilege
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 11 November, 2006
dormant as of 8 March, 2012
Crews-The Crew of Gore.jpg

The Crew of Gore is a dormant independent crew on the Cobalt Ocean. It was founded by Daqnel. They only truly came to power when most of the senior officer's joined in July and August of 2007 as before it was a private crew. They have a very unusual officer training system, just ask any subbed member in the crew. They appreciate any business or contribution with the crew.

Public Statement

The Crew of gore..... Coming soon to a ocean near you! In fact we probably pillaged you too....

Extended Public Statement

Imagine this.

Your on the street. Your alone and in the dark. You look round into a alleyway. A dead body is lying there. In someway, somehow, we were involved. Any gore, any blood, It was US!!!!! (seems a bit childish but we're mature while still having fun depending on our moods,whatever ye want basically)

Contact Daqnel or any of the senior officers to join.

Ranks: (All ranks are individual to te person we use S.O. partnerships for subscriber training but we will bend the rules for certain people to find yer best way of training ye)

Cabin person-join.


Officer-complete officer training(don't ask)

F.O-Needs loyalty to the crew.(don't ask)

S.O You need experience in the game and being to adapt to whatever hits you in the game!(don't ask)

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