High Seas Fleet

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Revision as of 05:37, 23 April 2009 by Belthazar451 (talk | contribs) (Crew is defunct)
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High Seas Fleet at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Bowstring
Senior Officer(s) Majorjr, Gtyfrtddrd
Politics Autocratic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation Hells Bells
Founded 28 October, 2008
Disbanded as of 25 January, 2009

In game activity

High Seas Fleet was founded by Bowstring and Kikkia on October 28, 2008. They soon joined the flag Fate of the Phoenix, looking for friends to help pillage the Cobalt ocean. They later left to join the flag Storm Winds. Finaly the Made there own flag, Red Brotherhood. When Red Brotherhood was thratend by a group of larger flags they left and founded Hells Bells. They are still a young crew and suffer from lack of good officers and ships, but are working to find both as soon as possible. They operate in the Jade and Onyx Archipelago, with operational centers at Prolix Purlieu and Labyrinth Moors respectivly. After a month long break by Bowstring, the crew had dwindeled to 1 member. On January 23, 2009, the crew was disbanded and reorganized as Run Silent Run Deep.


Bowstring runs his crew on the beleif that crews are both for the social and finacial good of crew members. But he also beleivs that they are also a political tool of the captain or crew leaders, That they are the best sword one has. He is not afraid to use his crew and it's member's to his goals.

The Schism

On November 7, 2008, a disagreement betwean founders Bowstring and Kikkia over the promotion of an officer lead Kikkia to leave the crew. Lacking a xo, the crew continued to move on, but was badly hurt by the lose of its wealthyest member. Bowstring atempted to fix the situation by merging with Moonlight Muskateers later that day.