Aquamarine Dream

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Revision as of 10:03, 11 October 2008 by Belthazar451 (talk | contribs) (Flag is defunct)
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Aquamarine Dream at a Glance
Midnight Ocean
Last Monarch Sarachan of Pillaging Penguins
Member crew(s) Pillaging Penguins
Dormant as of 11 October, 2008
Favicon.png Flag Info
Flags-Aquamarine Dream.jpg

Aquamarine Dream was a flag on the Midnight Ocean, founded by Sarachan on May 23rd, 2005.

Public Statement

Drifting along the midnight sea, we sail. Our dreams drive us along, in a blur of color. We be an aspiring flag with small size but big dreams. If ye join us, I'm sure our dreams will be a reality.

Flag Shoppes

Aquamarine Dream currently owns 1 Stall and no Shoppes.

Alliance proposals

Aquamarine Dream will carefully consider any alliance proposals, but they would prefer to be familiar with the other flag before they enter into such an agreement.

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