From YPPedia
Darksea has been in several number of crews since he started play in the 2006. He's lastest crew he was in before being captain was The United Kingdom commanded by Alebear.
He sails in Aimuari island on the fine governance of Hankscorpio.
Favorite colors: Atlantean and black(Harr! the most expensive ones!)
Favorite trophies: Skelly hunter,Zombie hunter,fencer and atlantean explorer.
Contributions and Achievements
- He is captain of the Dark Riders.
- Explorer of the Dark Riders.
- Monarch of the flag Dark Road.
- Atlantean hunter.
- Skelly hunter.
- Zombie hunter(even if he's not renowned in rumble).
Notable Quotes
- North is a point that we all pirates tent to follow,but if ye look even further ye'ill find yer real way!
Top hearties
- Vivathegreat
- Greattheviva
- Hok
- Whiskeh
- Drewboo
- Flashearrt
- Weirdfaerie
- Bohi
- Haggen
- Genix
1 human can beat 50 skellies any day! | |
Did atlantis sunk? | |
Vivathegreat rawks ♥! |