Rogue OM Squad 6.875/Round 3 Votes

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Votes in Round 3

Deadline was May 28, 2008 6:52:47 PM
Up to date to post 535
15 were needed to lynch and 21 were needed for 75%
Name Votes # of votes (Unvotes)
Lyaka Zandia, Ghadhean, Marinated, Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Msanthrowpe, Satin11 7
Argemone Talisker, Drakes, SM_Forums, Lyaka, Taelac, Abe27342 (proxy by Lyaka) 6
Tuucciz Luvessy, Vireyda, Nessmonster 3 Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude)
Shaimus Tuucciz, Abiona 2
Prosperity Argemone 1
Taelac Sweetbreeze 1
Nessmonster Shaimus 1
Sweetbreeze 0 Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude)
Thefirstdude 0 Drakes
TOTAL VOTES Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Zandia, Tuucciz, Luvessy, Drakes, Argemone, Abiona, Talisker, Vireyda, Sweetbreeze, Shaimus, SM_Forums, Lyaka, Taelac, Ghadhean, Nessmonster, Marinated, Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Thefirstdude, WingsOWisdom (proxy by Thefirstdude), Abe27342, Msanthrowpe, Satin11 21
(no vote) Daleenmarine, Distantwisdom, Gooblenka, LevelSlayer, Piplicus_BNO, Prosperity, SeastarX 7
Divine Argemone Satin11 1