Rednecks Revenge

From YPPedia
Revision as of 15:43, 25 July 2007 by Maiofd (talk | contribs) (Headline text)
Rednecks Revenge at a Glance
Sage Ocean
Captain Jeethro
Senior Officer(s) Mymyself, Lansy, Stacysparrow, Control, Texan, Nelys, Musclow.
Politics Autocratic
Shares Rank Privelages
Flag Affiliation Hauntingly Evil
Last updated on 8/ Template:Month/7/, 2007/

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== Headline text ==Rednecks Revenge

Headline text

Rednecks revenge is a samall dedicated group looking to help all members on sage ocean we are a group consisting of 77 members and will do anything to help any players of the game. If you would like to join the crew contact any officers of the crew and let them know.

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Headline text

Rednecks Revenge was founded on the date of July 8, 2007 and is already a very amazing crew of 77 already!Jeethro(captain of Rednecks Revenge) fromaley part of the crew The Black Scoundrels broke apart from The Scoundrels to form Rednecks Revenge a growing crew.