Crimson Daggers

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Crimson Daggers at a Glance
Cobalt Ocean
Last Captain Ishmael
Senior Officer(s) Anant, Caelin, Charrlley, Fizzle, Ghostie, Jesz, Lordnibbler, Mamella, Seafarerjane
Politics Oligarchic
Shares Even
Flag Affiliation None
Founded 24 April, 2005
Disbanded as of 9 May, 2007

Crimson Daggers was a crew that sailed the Cobalt Ocean. It was founded on April 24, 2005.

Public Statement

Our captain will be changing every month

From a tale of history written just before a century turned, A crew of men intent on trading sealed a pact of good return. Being those of daring nature, seeking balm for purse and pride They agreed to stage a capture in return for POE and tide. Gory tales of swordfighting marked their actions justified. Arming well with lies and cunning they enticed a crew of men on board. Thus the ship "Chub" sailed into a treasure hoard. Crimson daggers flashing sunlight mirrored back the final throes. Marring scenes of tranquil Springtime, marking passage of a crew of souls. Cupping hands in life blood flowing, painting faces with the gore. Voices raised in killing frenzy echo back forevermore.

Arrrr!! We be the Crimson Daggers and we are a close-knit bunch of blaggards that love to have fun. We accept all types of people from PvP players to just the average stall keeper. If ye be interested in joining us ye need to talk to an officer if that be yar choice. If that not be yar choice then ye better watch yar back as ye might find a crimson dagger in it.

Crew Articles

If ye do join we ask ye follow a couple of simples rules and those being:

  1. NEVER beg for POE or clothes!
  2. NEVER issue challenges or play with bots while pillaging!
  3. NEVER leave a ship while in battle! Ye will lose all yar POE if ye do!
  4. ALWAYS let the captain of the ship know when you need to leave if ye be pillaging and not at port!
  5. ALWAYS listen to the captain of the ship and do what he tells you!

Other than that we just like to have fun and be an adventurous group. Join us and ye will not regret it!

We will help all new subscribing crew members get a better sword if needed.

External Links

Crew Forums