Indecent Exposure

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Revision as of 04:23, 19 April 2007 by Wingsowisdom (talk | contribs) (History)
Indecent Exposure at a Glance
Hunter Ocean
Monarch Jammers of The Drunken Brotherhood
Member crew(s) The Drunken Brotherhood, Oblivious, Fierce Foragers, -Tenacity And Torment-, The Era of Pillage
Allies None
Wars None
Last updated on 17 April, 2007
Favicon.png Flag Info

Indecent Exposure is a flag on Hunter Ocean.


It was founded by in the year 2007 on April 10 by Killamangiro. The flag intended to have Jammers as its monarch, but Jammer's crew The Drunken Brotherhood did not have the correct fame to make the flag.

Indecent Exposure was formed from the splitting of leadership in the flag Havoc. The crews Oblivious, The Drunken Brotherhood and Tenacity and Torment came from Havoc. But, the flag has grown and now includes several other crews that had no association with Havoc.

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