Difference between revisions of "Farria/Trinkets/CI"

From YPPedia
Line 20: Line 20:
|[[Arcane toad]]
|[[Arcane toad]]
|{{Colorize trinket|Arcane toad|red}}
Line 103: Line 103:
|{{Colorize trinket|Cultist chow|magenta}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Cultist chow|magenta}}
|[[Cursed effigy]]
|{{Colorize trinket|Cursed effigy|purple}}
|[[Cursed egg]]
|[[Cursed egg]]
Line 119: Line 137:
|{{Colorize trinket|Cursed egg|magenta}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Cursed egg|magenta}}
|[[Dried homunculus]]
|{{Colorize trinket|Dried homunculus|lime}}
|[[Eye of newt]]
|[[Eye of newt]]
Line 141: Line 172:
|{{Colorize trinket|Evil weevil|yellow}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Evil weevil|purple}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Evil weevil|purple}}
Line 184: Line 215:
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|red}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|red}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|tan}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|tan}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|white}}
Line 189: Line 221:
|{{Colorize trinket|Horn talisman|aqua}}
Line 339: Line 370:
|{{Colorize trinket|Talon fetish|white}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Talon fetish|white}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Talon fetish|black}}
|{{Colorize trinket|Talon fetish|purple}}
Line 366: Line 397:
|{{Colorize trinket|Toadstool|magenta}}

Revision as of 19:28, 3 May 2011